Hotel Břízky is located in a quiet part of the town ofJablonec nad Nisou and that’s why our rooms guarantee a quiet stay without any outside disturbance. Our rooms offer all conveniences. During a work stay you’ll surely appreciate the available WiFi connection and a work desk that is directly in the room. So you can deal with your work matters in peace.
If your stay is for recreational purposes, then our hotel offers a broad range of sporting activities directly in the hotel through tennis courts, a gym, wellness facilities and the like
In addition, when the weather is favourable it is possible to discover the surroundings of the hotel, such as the Jablonec dam (approx. a 5 minute walk away), cross-country skiing routes, a special track for cross-country roller-ski training, routes around the dam for inline skating, biking trips.
There is also an indoor swimming pool, municipal sports hall, cinema, open-air cinema, theatre, etc., in the vicinity of the hotel.
Dear visitors, We would like to inform you that the hotel reception and sports reception opening hours have changed.
The hotel reception will be open from 8am to 8pm and a sports reception from 7am to 9pm.
Dear visitors, we would like to inform you that the opening hours of the hotel reception and sports reception have changed.
The hotel reception will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the sports reception from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Hotel Břízky
Průběžná 22Copyright © All Rights Reserved
Břízky s.r.o.
(+420) 483 737 240
(+420) 731 425 705
(+420) 483 737 256